Rodwell Trail & Sandsfoot Gardens
This walk follows the old Weymouth to Portland Railway. There are a number of access points although most are wheelchair accessible, a couple are very steep. There is a lot of wildlife along the trail at various points.
More information can be found on the history of the Rodwell Trail and Sandsfoot Castle on the Friends of the Rodwell Trail & Sandsfoot Castle website.
Distance: 3.6km (2.2miles)
Average Time: 1 hour (time may vary depending on pace)
Gradient: Gentle
Starting Point: Swannery Car Park
Public Transport: N/A
Parking: Swannery Car Park
Accessibility: All of the walk is accessible to people of all abilities. There is a gentle incline along the Rodwell Trail. The route is also a cycle path so care to be taken to keep to the left.
Café: There is a café open all year weather dependant, but close Mon/Tues throughout winter situated in Sandsfoot Gardens.
Toilets: Toilets are situated at the Swannery Car Park
Cycling: Cycling is allowed on the Rodwell Trail however, no cycling is permitted in Sandsfood Gardens.
Dog: Dogs are allowed on this route BUT must be kept on leads at all times.
Point 1
From the Swannery Car Park walk towards the corner where the path leads under the bridge, continue along the path, you should be able to some swans and other birds on the water. More information on the birds can be found on the RSPB Website.
Continue along the path under you reach the Westham Road Bridge.
Point 2
Turn right and cross over the bridge, turning right again after about 100 metres towards the underpass. When you come out of the underpass take the left-hand path. Follow the path as it turns right across two small roads on either side of a Church.
Point 3
You should then reach the twin pillars which indicate the start of the Rodwell Trail. The Rodwell Trail is a popular green link between Weymouth & Ferrybridge following the course of the old Weymouth to Portland Railway with links to the South West Coast Path and the Isle of Portland.
You will be following the Rodwell Trail for about 2 kms until you reach the turning point for Sandsfoot Castle.
Point 4
You will cross over Newstead Road bridge from which point you can have views towards Weymouth Harbour. This part is the first incline on the path although the second incline is more gradual.
You might be able to spot a variety of butterflies along this section of the trail.
Point 5
Once you pass under the first bridge you will be able to see remains of the railway station that was once here.
You then walk along a shaded area which is enjoyed by the more secretive animals, such as frogs, badgers and foxes. You might see a wren flittering around in the undergrowth.
Point 6
You will come to a junction which will direct you to Sandsfoot Gardens Café which is situated in the Sandsfoot Castle grounds. Take care as this is also an access road to houses, so ensure children keep to the pavement.
Point 7
You will then see the entrance to Sandsfoot Gardens on your left-hand side. You can take a break enjoy a cup of coffee and cake or an ice cream. Sandsfoot Castle has spectacular views across Portland Harbour, more information about the Gardens and Castle can be found on the website.
Then either retrace your steps, or if you prefer a longer walk follow the route below via The Nothe Gardens, and take in a couple of our Mural Trail images.
Explorer’s Trail
This walk takes you through Nothe Gardens and along the route you will be able to see some of the Mural Trail.
The Mural Trail is a partnership venture between Weymouth Town Council and We Are Weymouth. It was created over a number of months in 2022, with 9 artists – more information can be found on our website.
Distance: 3.86km (2.4miles)
Average Time: 50mins (time may vary depending on pace)
Gradient: Moderate with some incline and set of stairs.
Starting Point: Sandsfoot Gardens.
Public Transport: N/A
Parking: N/A as walking route continued from Rodwell & Sandsfoot Gardens Walk.
Accessibility: The gardens are mainly accessible by wheelchair although there is a set of steps so not suitable for wheelchair users.
Cycling: Cycling is not permitted in the pleasure gardens this includes The Nothe Gardens.
Dogs: Are allowed but must be kept on lead the whole route, especially in the Nothe Gardens.
Point 1
At the entrance/exit to the Gardens take a right and walk along Old Castle Road for about 400 metres until you come to the junction of Belle Vue Road which is signposted the Coast Path.
Point 2
At the end of Belle Vue Road turn to your right, you will come to a grassy area known as Bincleaves Green. It features a spectacular view over Portland Harbour and Nothe Fort.
It also has a monument dedicated to Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton who played a very significant role in the abolishment of slavery.
Point 3
Continue down the gravel path which will lead you across a metal bridge.
You then have option to take the lower route around the Nothe Gardens which will give you views over Portland Harbour or take the top path which will take you through a tree lined path where you will probably be able to see the squirrels which live in the Gardens.
Please note dogs should be kept on leads to ensure the wildlife is not disturbed.

At the top of Nothe Gardens, walk across the small road and follow the path to your left, this will take you past the first Mural Trail artwork which depicts 3 pieces of art, called ‘Marine’, ‘Sail’ and ‘Peace’. Continue until you reach the stone steps down to the harbour.

Once you reach the bottom of the steps turn right and continue along the harbour side towards the Stone Pier where you will see the second Mural Trail artwork ‘Life Beneath the Waves’.
Then retrace your steps and continue along the harbour past the RNLI Weymouth Lifeboat Station where you can grab an ice cream or just have a wander in their shop

As you continue along the harbour you will come to a fork, keep left leaving the harbour. The next Mural Trail artwork ‘Moonshiner’ will be on your right-hand side.
As you come out into Hope Square turn right and continue along Cove Street and continue back towards the harbour. There are also more public toilets along this road.

As you come to Weymouth Town Bridge, which is raised every two hours between 8am – 6pm daily, ahead of you on the wall of The Bridge Fair Trade Shop you will see the next artwork ‘The Smugglers Map of Weymouth & Portland’.
Cross the bridge, turn right at the pedestrian crossing then the first left into St Mary Street.

As you continue along St Mary Street just before you reach the church you will come across Church Passage which displays the next Mural Trail artwork ‘Pipe Dreams’.
Continue along until you reach Bond Street, turn left and continue through the passage until you reach the junction of St Thomas Street and Bond Street, turn right.

Continue until you reach School Street, as you turn left you will see the library ahead of you with another Mural Trail artwork ‘A Library of Knowledge’. Continue right past the library along Great George Street which will come to a junction with Westham Street. Turn left towards the marina.

Cross Commercial Road at the traffic lights and continue towards Westham Bridge, taking the path on the right which takes you along the Swannery and back to the car park.